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Estate Planning

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Creating an estate plan is a crucial step in ensuring your assets are protected and your wishes are honored after you're gone. However, simply drafting an estate plan is not a one-and-done task. Life is dynamic, and circumstances change over time, making it essential to regularly update your estate plan to reflect these changes. Life is full of changes, both expected and unexpected. Major life events such as marriage, divorce, birth of children or grandchildren, and the death of a loved...

When it comes to our children, we all plan for the future. We consider school districts when buying a house, find activities that fit their interests, sacrifice weekends to take them to practice or events, save money for college and try to instill in them different skills and values that will help in life. In all that planning, it is crucial to also include your wishes if something happens to you. Choosing someone to be guardian can be a difficult decision....

Losing a loved one can be a challenging time. It can quickly become difficult or frustrating without a plan of action or an idea of where to begin. There are a few initial steps you can take after the death of a loved one to try to make this process a little less overwhelming. The first step is to do those things that are time sensitive. This would include notifying family members and close friends of your loved one’s passing. It...

National Digital Privacy Day was on January 28th, reminding us to review our digital assets and cybersecurity. As the digital age continues to advance, individuals and businesses alike are accumulating more and more digital assets.  From important documents and files to social media accounts and emails, domain names and intellectual property, as well as crypto and other virtual currencies, these assets are becoming increasingly valuable, but they can be difficult to manage and protect without a proper plan in place. Here...

We begin the new year with an abundance of hope and possibilities. To start the year, many of us turn to the tradition of setting New Year’s Resolutions. Motivated by a fresh start, we create goals for the year ahead. However, about fifty seven percent of people either forget about or give up on their resolutions by February, and only nine percent of people fulfill their goals [1]. Let’s work together to beat these odds. Resolutions, or any other type of...

Every year publishes the “Santa Index,” where they compare the many jobs St. Nick performs to Bureau of Labor Statistics wage data for similar occupations and determine a salary for Santa[1]. Though they estimated his pay would be increased from last year, up to $162,555, that only represents a 2% increase, which is reduced from the 6% increase he previously received.  Some of the tasks in the comparison include:  running the workshop (where the closest matching occupation is industrial engineer)   reindeer...

It’s the holiday season! While the holidays can get rushed, sometimes we forget to take a step back and appreciate what is right in front of us. It is important to reflect during this time of year, to say ‘Thank You’ to those we are grateful for, to recognize the accomplishments we have achieved, and review what helped get us here. Many people keep track of what they are grateful for in various and creative ways. Here are some ideas to...

An estate plan often focuses on property such as financial accounts, jewelry, real estate, and vehicles. However, in this age of technology, it is important to remember to include your digital assets. Planning for your digital assets can help ensure they pass to your loved ones, instead of getting lost in the cloud simply because no one knew about them. Also, by including them in your plan, you can better secure your information and prevent identity thefts. Your digital legacy...

Life is busy and always changing, which is why it is so important to review your estate plan every few years. Maintenance keeps your plan up to date as you continue to go through life and significant changes occur. Already having a plan in place does not mean everything is complete and done forever. If you have children or grandchildren after your plan was made, and you want them protected, your plan needs to be updated to accommodate for them....

In order for an Estate Plan to work, you have to review what is in your estate. What assets do you have? This would include your bank accounts, investments, retirement plans, pensions, home, vehicles, and any other physical or financial properties that you own and would like protected in your plan. About 33% of Americans claim they do not have enough assets to leave to loved ones[1], so they do have a plan in place for the assets they do...

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