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Wills and Trusts

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An estate plan isn’t a one-and-done kind of document. Life is dynamic, and as it evolves, so should your estate plan. Ensuring that your wishes are honored and your loved ones are protected means revisiting and updating your estate plan regularly. Let’s dive into when and why it’s essential to update your estate plan. Major Life Events: A Call for Change Significant life changes often necessitate an update to your estate plan. Here are some key events that should trigger a review: Marriage...

Estate planning is a crucial aspect of managing one's assets and ensuring that their loved ones are well taken care of in the future. While many people are familiar with wills as a primary estate planning tool, revocable trusts have gained popularity for their versatility and added benefits. A trust offers several advantages that can help individuals maintain control over their assets, minimize probate complexities, protect privacy, and provide flexibility during their lifetime. In this blog, we will explore the...

 While wills serve a popular tool in estate planning, it is vital to recognize their limitations. Relying solely on a will can lead to probate delays, limited control over asset distribution, and neglecting crucial elements like incapacity planning. By considering alternative strategies, such as revocable living trusts, powers of attorney, and beneficiary designations, you can enhance the effectiveness of your estate plan, maintain privacy, and provide your loved ones with a smoother transition and greater protection of their inheritance. Consulting...

Today is National Lottery day, and with the Powerball jackpot estimating $900 million, we hope luck is on your side! Winning the lottery is a life-changing event that brings joy, excitement, and endless possibilities. Suddenly, you find yourself with a substantial financial windfall that can transform your life and the lives of your loved ones. However, with great wealth comes great responsibility. Proper estate planning becomes paramount to ensure the long-term preservation and distribution of your newfound riches. In this...

Creating an estate plan is a crucial step in ensuring your assets are protected and your wishes are honored after you're gone. However, simply drafting an estate plan is not a one-and-done task. Life is dynamic, and circumstances change over time, making it essential to regularly update your estate plan to reflect these changes. Life is full of changes, both expected and unexpected. Major life events such as marriage, divorce, birth of children or grandchildren, and the death of a loved...

When it comes to our children, we all plan for the future. We consider school districts when buying a house, find activities that fit their interests, sacrifice weekends to take them to practice or events, save money for college and try to instill in them different skills and values that will help in life. In all that planning, it is crucial to also include your wishes if something happens to you. Choosing someone to be guardian can be a difficult decision....

We begin the new year with an abundance of hope and possibilities. To start the year, many of us turn to the tradition of setting New Year’s Resolutions. Motivated by a fresh start, we create goals for the year ahead. However, about fifty seven percent of people either forget about or give up on their resolutions by February, and only nine percent of people fulfill their goals [1]. Let’s work together to beat these odds. Resolutions, or any other type of...

Estate Planning requires you to make decisions about your life and your future wishes. But through those choices you are able to design a plan that will work for your unique circumstances. You are able to choose people you trust to make your financial and legal decisions if you were unable to make them yourself. You are also able to select someone to be in charge of carrying out your health care wishes and final arrangements. Additionally, you can make...

October 17th through October 21st is Estate Planning Awareness Week. We dedicate this week to educating you on the importance of estate planning and why it is so beneficial for you and your loved ones. According to a 2022 study conducted by[1], 50% of Americans agree that estate planning is important, and since the pandemic, the amount of 18- to 34-year-old people with estate plans has increased by 50%. Even though more people have started estate planning, 33% of...

Legacy planning involves passing down values, wisdom, or experiences throughout your life. This is similar to estate planning, where it focuses on your assets, such as who inherit, when they inherit and how to best protect yourself and your family. Legacy planning, on the other hand, focuses on the intangible assets of your life. Both involve passing down the most important aspects of your life to the next generation. One way to begin your legacy planning is writing a message or...

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