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Estate Planning

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Last week we looked at how you can leave lasting memories and lessons in your estate plan to help future generations. This week we're delving into how you can share and experience thankfulness, even during a global pandemic.  Making it Possible to Come Together, Even from a Safe Distance:  We understand the holidays might look different for you this year. Big meals with your entire extended family under the same roof or meeting up with those you haven't seen in a while...

As we focus on what we are grateful this time of year, we often look to cherished traditions and memories with loved ones – cooking holiday dinners, volunteering at charities together, and in general spending time together.  It is instances like these, among others, we can preserve and pass on to our loved ones along with our financial wealth. Did you know that you can include in your estate plan, stories and experiences or guideline and “guidelights”? What is referred to...

We'd like to end this week by discussing some of the common reasons individuals have not created a plan. "I don't have the time." We commonly hear this in our office. Individuals are interested in estate planning or it is something they have been trying to get to for a while but keep putting off as other things come up. Unfortunately, however, it is something you can only put off for so long. Our lives can, and do, change rapidly.  Having an estate...

Proper funding is an essential step in the estate planning process. Funding is designating beneficiaries on your accounts and policies, as well as transferring assets into the name of your trust.  Making sure you have your funding complete means your estate plan will work how you intend it to.  Naming beneficiaries on your account can help ensure who receives your assets. If you have no listed beneficiary, then the state controls who gains possession of your assets. For some, this would be...

If you read our last post on the different things that can go into an estate plan, you may have thought to yourself, “I had a basic will and powers of attorney drawn up years ago, I’m all covered” and went about your day. But, if that is the case, ask yourself has anything changed in your life since you have made your plan? A follow up question is, will the plan still work?  For your estate plan to work properly it...

The third week of October has been designated by Congress as National Estate Planning Awareness Week. The goal for this week is to highlight the importance of estate planning and how planning can benefit you.  The Resolution by Congress noted "the implementation of an estate plan starts with sound education and planning," and then the drafting of legal documents.  Our office couldn't agree more, and we are dedicating this week to articles, quick posts to think about, and a webinar on our...

Schools across the United States are preparing plans on the safest ways to welcome back students for the 2020-21 year. Elementary through High Schools are figuring out whether remote, in-person, or some hybrid makes the most sense for their districts. Meanwhile, some universities have begun to permit their students to move back to campus and for parents all around this can be a nerve-wracking time. Under “normal” circumstances for those of you who are parents of college students, you would likely...

With everyone spending significantly more time at home, many people have taken time to work on projects they had previously put off, learn new skills, and organize their living spaces. But, while cleaning your basement, learning how to give your dog a trim, or remodeling a room in your house are all beneficial, there are certain projects you should think twice before you try to "Do It Yourself." An estate plan you can try to create for yourself but it may...

We hope you are all staying safe in these challenging times. We want to assure you that we are open, working remotely, and can help. We believe estate planning involves more than choosing who inherits under your will or trust.  With a proactive and comprehensive plan, you are able to take advantage of protections you may not have otherwise thought or knew about.  During the ongoing health care crisis, you should have the following documents to help you and your loved...

We hope everyone is healthy and staying safe.  During this State of Emergency, we will continue to work, and with a few exceptions, everything will be business as usual. We wanted to help keep you informed on some of the ongoing responses to this current crisis, starting with the CARES Act. The Act was signed into law to provide $2 trillion in relief for individuals and businesses in response to the coronavirus outbreak and some of the provisions may impact you...

Ferri Law PLLC