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June 2023

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Creating an estate plan is a crucial step in ensuring your assets are protected and your wishes are honored after you're gone. However, simply drafting an estate plan is not a one-and-done task. Life is dynamic, and circumstances change over time, making it essential to regularly update your estate plan to reflect these changes. Life is full of changes, both expected and unexpected. Major life events such as marriage, divorce, birth of children or grandchildren, and the death of a loved...

As we age, it becomes crucial to not only plan for our future but also protect ourselves from potential risks and vulnerabilities. Elder abuse is a distressing issue that affects numerous seniors worldwide, emphasizing the need for awareness, prevention, and proactive measures. Here, we will discuss how estate planning can serve as a powerful tool to safeguard against elder abuse, ensuring that your wishes are respected and your legacy remains intact. Understanding Elder Abuse: Elder abuse encompasses various forms of mistreatment,...

Ferri Law PLLC