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Estate Planning

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Estate Planning requires you to make decisions about your life and your future wishes. But through those choices you are able to design a plan that will work for your unique circumstances. You are able to choose people you trust to make your financial and legal decisions if you were unable to make them yourself. You are also able to select someone to be in charge of carrying out your health care wishes and final arrangements. Additionally, you can make...

October 17th through October 21st is Estate Planning Awareness Week. We dedicate this week to educating you on the importance of estate planning and why it is so beneficial for you and your loved ones. According to a 2022 study conducted by[1], 50% of Americans agree that estate planning is important, and since the pandemic, the amount of 18- to 34-year-old people with estate plans has increased by 50%. Even though more people have started estate planning, 33% of...

In honor of World Alzheimer’s Day, we would like to share some history and spread awareness on this important topic. Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects many people, including those who have the disease and their loved ones.  Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia which negatively affects memory and the ability to function daily. The disease itself was named after the German psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer, who first identified it while treating a patient in 1901. Later in 1984, Alzheimer Disease International...

Legacy planning involves passing down values, wisdom, or experiences throughout your life. This is similar to estate planning, where it focuses on your assets, such as who inherit, when they inherit and how to best protect yourself and your family. Legacy planning, on the other hand, focuses on the intangible assets of your life. Both involve passing down the most important aspects of your life to the next generation. One way to begin your legacy planning is writing a message or...

A blended family could impact your life in a lot of ways, in particular it can affect how you approach your estate plan. There can be many people to take into consideration when planning, and it is important to acknowledge each person, so all your wishes are met. When planning, you have to decide how the families are going to split inheritances. Will both families share equally? Will your assets stay in your family and your spouse’s stay with theirs? Are...

Rainy days are nice to catch up on things you put off or to enjoy doing absolutely nothing.  They can be great days to relax and refresh, and gather all the miscellaneous tasks you never seem to get to.  There are some tasks that should not be held off for those rainy days, tasks that are too important to put on hold. Planning for you and your family’s future is not something that can wait to be done. By planning now,...

When choosing how to divide up your estate, a seemingly simple choice may be to distribute your children’s inheritances evenly. But what happens when life hits your family unexpectedly? You may wish to give one child a larger inheritance than others, or you may wish to cut out a child all together. There can be situations in life where leaving unequal amounts to your loved ones is better suited for your family.   Doing what is “fair” does not have to...

 A scavenger hunt is a fun game for children to play, searching for a list of various items, like toys or treats. As an adult, it is less enjoyable to participate in a scavenger hunt, especially when you are searching for asset information. As hard as we may try to keep our lives organized, it can be a challenge to keep all our belongings in one place. With the help of an estate planning professional, you can help your loved...

Without proper funding, your estate plan won’t work. Why is that? Funding is retitling your assets or updating your named beneficiaries to achieve your intended result. If you have a living trust, that could mean you and your loved ones experience less burdens, your assets are distributed according to your wishes, and your estate avoids the probate process.   Changing the title on assets such as bank or investment accounts to your trust as the owner, can make it easier during...

Happy World Health Day, a day where we celebrate the founding of the World Health Organization and raise global health awareness. Our firm recognizes the importance of creating an estate plan that includes documents regarding client healthcare powers and the decisions they would make in the event of a medical emergency. Having up-to-date versions of these documents could be crucial to getting the care you want. So, what are these documents? A Healthcare Power of Attorney names the people (your “agents”) you...

Ferri Law PLLC